10. Bake Squad
The first season of the American Netflix Original sitcom Bake Squad, which consists of eight episodes, began on August 11, 2021. The show's recurrent quartet of four bakers compete to make treats for a different consumer in each episode. Christina Tosi hosts the program.
Four of the top bakers in the business compete to make four magnificent desserts for a person's special event, such as a wedding or birthday party.
The same four bake-off contestants and host Christina Tosi, the creator of the enormously well-liked bakery and dessert business Milk Bar, appear in each of the eight episodes.
There are new challenges every week. Since no one is eliminated and there is no prize other than one baker's creation being chosen for the episode's special event, the bakers utilize the show more as a showcase than a competition.
As they compete for the title of best sweet treat, the pros inspire one another to reach new creative heights.