Todd Gloria and his husband Adam Smith have been together since 2016. Todd is the city’s first openly LGBTQ community mayor. Gloria is a politician from San Diego, California. He is currently serving as the Mayor of San Diego, having taken offi...
Alex Padilla wife Angela Padilla is a passionate health advocate. Alex and Angela live together in San Fernando Valley. Alex is an American politician who is currently serving as the Secretary of State of California. He was appointed to the position ...
Josh Hawley Parents Ronald Hawley and Virginia Hawley are banker and teacher respectively. Josh Hawley grew up with his family in Missouri. Josh is an American attorney and politician who serves as the junior United States Senator from Missouri. Josh...
Ana Kasparian husband Christian Lopez is a former pro athlete and a coach. Ana has been married to Chris since September 2016. Kasparian is an American television host, political commentator, and journalist. She is known for her work as a co-host on ...
Maggie Haberman husband Dareg Adrashes Gregorian is a reporter for NBC News. Maggie lives in Brooklyn New York with him. Maggie is a well-known White House correspondent for The New York Times, where she covers the Trump administration. She is an exp...
Kam Buckner wife Bernardette Salgado is a brand manager for Teeling Irish Whiskey. Kam married Salgado on 24 September 2022. Buckner is an American politician and attorney who serves as a Democratic member of the Illinois House of Representatives fro...
Kindred Spirits is a reenactment of real-life events with creative editing and storytelling. The show airs on Travel Channel. The show premiered on October 9, 2016. The show is a paranormal investigation series that tracks ghost hunters Amy Bruni and...
Johnny Galecki siblings Nick and Alisson were born to Richard and Mary Lou Galecki. The Galecki family is of Polish, Irish and Italian descent. Johnny is an American actor known for his role as Leonard Hofstadter on the hit TV show The Big Bang Theor...
Yes, Marlena Evans is leaving Days of Our Lives following her untimely death on the show. Deidre Hall portrayed the character from 1976 to 2023. Days of Our Lives is an American soap opera aired on NBC since 1965. The show follows the lives of Horton...
House of Davenport Family has three members participating in the eleventh season of Drag Race. The Davenports are from Texas. The Matriarch of the family, Kelexis Davenport, started the journey of one of the most successful drag families in the world...